Cleveland Nursing Home Neglect Attorneys
In today’s overburdened health care system, it is more important than ever to hold nursing homes accountable for negligence that causes injury or loss of life. If you suspect your loved one is being abused or neglected in a nursing home or similar care facility, you need a skilled and knowledgeable personal injury lawyer.
At the Ohio law firm of Keis | George, we know you need answers. We will work hard to find out what is going on and who is to blame. Contact a Cleveland nursing home neglect lawyer at our firm for a free consultation.
Things to Look For if You Suspect Nursing Home Neglect
The state and federal government recognize how important it is for people to be able to trust the quality of care a loved one receives at a nursing home. This is why these facilities are highly regulated. Our personal injury attorneysknow the regulations that govern nursing homes. We can quickly recognize the signs of potential neglect and investigate nursing home injuries to determine if those regulations have been violated.
The signs of nursing home neglect are not always obvious. Many times, our clients have a suspicion that something is wrong, but are not sure. Signs include:
- Sudden weight loss — may be a sign of dehydration or malnutrition
- Bed sores or decubitus ulcers — may result from neglect, such as when a bedridden or wheelchair-bound nursing home resident is not moved frequently
- Infection — may indicate a lack of attention to the resident’s condition
- Irregular or unusual medication schedule — this may be a sign of negligent administration
- Unresponsiveness — may indicate an overdose of medication or the administration of drugs to keep your loved one docile
- Bruises and fractures — may result from improper restraint or supervision, a fall or other accident caused by negligence while moving a resident or even nursing home abuse
Trust Your Instincts
Most importantly, trust your gut. If you feel something is wrong — that you are not getting the whole story about what happened or what is happening to your loved one — you should take action.
It may be a simple matter of talking to the right person or filing a report with a state agency. On the other hand, it may take a lawsuit to get to the truth. Either way, the experienced attorneys at Keis | George can guide you in the steps to take to get justice for your loved one and prevent negligence at a nursing home from continuing unchecked.
Contact an Ohio Elder Abuse Lawyer at Keis | George for Help
If you suspect neglect or abuse of your elderly loved one in a nursing home or adult living facility, the lawyers of Keis | George can help. Call our offices in Cleveland and Columbus toll free at 866-492-6365 or contact an Ohio elder abuse attorney online for a free consultation.